Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Dennis Shasha (NYU, USA) gave a seminar on “Storing Clocked Programs Inside DNA: A Simplifying Framework for Nanocomputing” in january.

Prof. Marta Mattoso (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro) gave a seminar in the context of IBC on “Big Data Workflows – how provenance can help” in march and “Algebraic Dataflows for Big Data Analysis” in november.

Aravind Venkatesan (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway) gave a seminar in the context of IBC on “Bringing Semantic Web Technology to the Lab Bench” in october.

Sihem Amer-Yahia (LIG) gave a seminar on “New Perspectives in Social Data Management” in november.

Themis Palpanas (Univ. Trento, Italy) gave a seminar on “Enabling Exploratory Analysis on Very Large Scientific Data” in december.

Visits to International Teams

Reza Akbarinia and Florent Massglia visited UCSB (Prof. Divy Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi) in may. Esther Pacitti and Patrick Valduriez also visited UCSB and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley (Dr. Arie Shoshani and Deb. Agrawal) in june.